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Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Genetically Modified Organisms....mmmmmm.....yummy.....

I recently realised that I found myself stuck. I felt I had so much work to do that I became stuck, couldn't move...it all seemed so overwhelming. I am trying to remain holistic in focus as I follow this path to health. I have continued to experiement with health supportive foods, taking pictures so that I can post recipes later. Some were amazingly yummy first time, and others need a little tweaking. I made some corn cakes yesterday that were fabulous!!! More about that later....

I have also been journalling as I go through the process of learning about and loving all the parts that make this magnificent being whole. My wee, sad, abandonded child, my rebellious teen, my angry, resentful young adult....We must learn to love all the parts of who we are before we can truly love another. I have been researching topics that interest me, and journalling, journalling and more journalling. I have even been able to nurture my physical self by taking walks, which does result in a bit of pain, but I am able to walk through the pain.  I have developed osteoarthritis in my right knee and it affects my right hip as well. I have pain in most joints in my body, some restricts movement more than others. I continue to search for the right path to lessen pain, increase mobility, and get off pain medications and anti inflammatories...which I must say, I forget to take most of the time. On average, I only use anti inflammatories about 4 times a month...not bad considering they are prescribed for daily use. I should also tell you, I do this all with my Doctor's knowledge and support.

I have started learning some Reiki self healing techniques, I have only used this twice, as I am just learning this....but I did notice that it helps immediately. I also plan to join Taoist Tai Chi in September, when the beginner classes start...I will keep you posted on both!

I also have been very focussed on strengthening my spiritual connection. Much work has been done, with much more to do. Part of my path requires that I learn about as many other religions as possible and practice tolerance. This has been a very interesting part of my journey...I struggle to accept some of the more "ultra right" versions of christianity who expouse the "one right way" which is their way, and that all who do not beleive as they do shall burn in hell for all of eternity. In addtion, some of these christians beleive there are only a limited number of places in heaven, and that only they will have a space there. I struggle to understand why anyone would choose to beleive in a God or religion that uses fear to control, is intolerant of difference...It just doesn't work for me. 

I try to remind myself to keep things simple. I tend to over analyse and focus on every single little detail, and I have to often reign myself in and remind myself that simple is often better. Through experience, I have learned that all the efforts I put forth in paying attention to every little detail is sometimes lost, and by keeping it simple I seem to enjoy the process more, and the outcome seems more satisfying.  Keep it simple is becoming a bit of a mantra, especially when faced with a huge project. Of course sometimes the attention to detail is important and necessary....but not always...so, when I find myself stuck I ask myself, what is a simple piece of this I can start with.......and go from there.

Meditation. I keep trying, and I am getting better...I can't remember the last time my mind was totally quiet...I continue to work on this. Meditation is an important goal for me...It isn't that I can't meditate, it is more like I can't really control when I meditate...sometimes, it kinda just happens...it's like a thought enters my brain and I just go with it, wherever it leads. Next thing I know, it is time for work, or coffee break or ? and I have been off in lala land...lol...

I printed off a NON-GMO shopping guide from this site: NonGMOShoppingGuide.com  I continue to become more and more informed with regard to what is and what is not health supportive, and I continue to learn about how I can protect myself and our precious Mother Earth. Here is some information and tips:

What is a GMO?
GMO's are genetically modified organisms made by forcing genes from one species such as bacteria, viruses, animals or humans into the DNA of a food crop or animal to introduce a new trait.

Why should I avoid GMO's?
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine reported, "Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food", including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastointestinal system.

Tips to avoid GMO's....

1.  Buy Organic
Certified organic products cannot intentionally include any GMO ingrediants. Buy products labeled 100% organic, Organic, or made with organic ingredients.  You can be really sure if the product also has a Non-GMO Project Verified Seal.
2.  Look for Non-GMO Project Seals
The Non-GMO Project is a non profit organization committed to providing consumers with clearly labeled and independently verified non-GMO choices including testing of at-risk ingredients.  Visit NonGMOProject.org for more info.
3.  Avoid At Risk Ingredients
If it is not labeled organic or verified non-GMO, avoid products that may be derived from GMOs. The eight GM food crops are: corn, soybeans, canola, cottonseed, sugar beets, hawaiian papaya (most) and a small amount of zucchini and yellow squash...GM alfalfa is also fed to livestock.

Sugar:  If a non-organic product made in North America lists "sugar" as an ingrediant (and NOT pure cane sugar), then it is almostcertain to be a combination of sugar from both sugar cane and GM sugar beets.

Dairy:  may come from cows injected with GM bovine gorwth hormone. If its not labeled organic or non-GMO Project Verified, look for labels stating no rbGH, rbST or artificial hormones.

4.  Use the Non-GMO Shopping Guide
You will find a complete list of Non-GMO products available from each brand in the guide available at NonGMOShoppingGuide.com or use the the app for your iPhone ShopNoGMO, which is available free at the iTunes store. 

The shopping guide covers off dairy alternatives, baby foods and infant formula, beverages, body care, breads and baked goods, candy chocolate and sweeteners, cereals and breakfast bars, condiments oils dressings and spreads, dairy, feed and seed, fruits and vegetables, grains beans and flour, herbs spices etc, meat fish and eggs, mercantile, packaged/frozen meals, pasta, pet products, snack food and bars, soups and sauces, tofu tempeh and alternative meats, vitamins and supplements and a section on invisible GM ingredients.

I have also been doing quite a bit of research about how our food is produced. It only took a few articles to remind me why I decided to eat locally produced foods as much as possible. It also strengthened my committment to remaining vegetarian. I tried vegan, and eventually becoming full on vegan may become my path of choice, but for now I accept that I am a committed vegetarian who also enjoys fresh, locally caught fish on occasion.  I have also allowed eggs to show up in my diet, a little more regularly than I had wanted. A reminder to myself of the importance of mindfulness. It is really easy to stray from a chosen path if one is not mindful, especially with all the "attachments" I have with regard to food. It also takes some planning, as stopping by the drivethrough for a quick bite has not been an option for at least a couple of years now. I try to plan ahead and pack some healthy choices, and have found a few places on my "routes most travelled" that offer healthy vegetarian options.

The journey continues, and I focus on placing one foot in front of the other as I travel this new path. It seems both brand new, and amazingly familiar to me...which I find both of interest, and entirely appropriate.

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